Registration form for WinDAC32 1.4 Name : ______________________________________________ First Name : ________________________________________ Street : ____________________________________________ Town : ___________________________________ ZIP:______ Country : ___________________________________________ Email : _____________________________________________ Used Drive : ________________________________________ Where did you find DAC : ____________________________ Part Prize in DM US-Dollar 1. ( ) WinDAC32 1.3 first registration 40 31 2. ( ) WinDAC32 1.3 Update from DOS Version 1.1 30 23 3. ( ) WinDAC32 1.3 Update from DOS Version 2.x 20 15 4. ( ) WinDAC32 1.3 Studio licence (registered for 4 PC's) 117 85 5. [ ] DAC 2.3 DOS Version 20 15 6. Postage (Porto)-Allways 3 3 Sum __DM __US-Dollar 5. is optional to one of the four first Parts. It is not available separately! The registration fee is ( ) included as cash (DM or US-Dollar) ( ) included as an eurocheck (in DM) ( ) included as a check (personal,company in US-Dollar) ( ) sended by international money order (in DM or US-Dollar) ( ) bezahlt per Überweisung (siehe Liesmich.rtf) - german customers only ( ) Version soll per Nachnahme gesended werden - german customers only For address and detailed information see the registration section in Readme.rtf or Liesmich.rtf.